Our Mission
We believe our first priority and privilege is to do all things for the magnification of God's glory and goodness.
We believe our second priority is to love people, both foreign and domestic, with the gospel of Christ and truth of His Word.
We believe the gospel compels us to go make disciples, both in our community and throughout the world, of Jesus Christ through evangelism and discipleship.
What to Expect
Experience God’s love through Christ-centered worship. We desire to use our creative gifts and abilities as acts of worship to lift up the name of Jesus above our own.
Build authentic community with others. We are committed to talking about things that matter and growing alongside each other in God’s Word. We are better together!
Take opportunities to help out in your community and seek ways to share Christ with the world.
to visit?
1. Visit With Us
We would love to meet you! We meet in person on Sundays at 9 am for Community Groups and in person and online Sundays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
2. Connect With Us
We would love to get to know you! Fill out a connect card when you come to visit or visit the contact page and leave us a message or question. Someone from our team will help you start your journey at Seddon Baptist
3. Grow with us
Get involved in discipleship and serving opportunities and grow in your faith.