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From the initial onset of COVID-19 and the subsequent mandates set forth by our governing

authorities, SeddonBC has sought to faithfully respond to the pandemic in such a way that 

we love God and love our neighbor well. 


Due to this desire, we decided to postpone services and gatherings until we were further

notified that engaging in worship gatherings was once again suitable and safe for both our

church and our community.


Now, as the state begins to re-open under certain guidelines and policies, SeddonBC is still

seeking to love God and love our neighbor in the most current way we are permitted to

safely do so by governing authorities. Why do we respond this way? We respond in this

fashion in order to maintain a faithful testimony before an outside, unbelieving world. As the

New Testament directs us, we submit to our civil authority because we ultimately submit to God's sovereign authority. 


Thus, as we plan to slowly and safely re-open our SeddonBC campus for in-person worship gatherings, we will look to do so in such a way that honors Christ, submits to our civil authorities, and is eternally profitable to all who attend, either in-person or online.


Certain guidelines, released by both our state governor and the CDC, have been placed before us as to how we should carry out the re-opening of our church facilities for corporate worship gatherings. In accordance with these guidelines, we will be looking to maintain "social distancing" practices, a clean and sanitized environment, and multiple services on Sunday morning (only), as per our instruction to only gather in increments of half capacity while applying these policies. 


With these guidelines in place, we are asking that our congregation pre-register for either the 9AM or 11AM services which will be held every Sunday morning here at SeddonBC. You will be required to pre-register each week for each service. There are a limited number of seats available, so your registration will need to be re-submitted each week as registration for the next Sunday's services is released on Monday mornings.


In addition to our campus gatherings, we will be offering our services via "live stream" on our FaceBook page. You can access that page by clicking on the Facebook icon: 


We look forward to gathering with you, whether online or in-person, to honor and worship Jesus Christ, the Lord.

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